Protein Shift Summit | Part 1

Bridging the gap

Live talkshow with a moderator and table guests from different regions of the world discussing how to bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and governments.

Experience at two consecutive live debates how bridge-builders from 3 continents act upon realizing a future proof protein system. Get to know all on how governments are challenged to create a level protein-playing field for all companies (Part 1) and how protein gamechangers close the gap between the world of animal and plant-based proteins (Part 2).

Moderator: Jeroen Wouters (Foodvalley NL)
Table guests: Ahmed Khan (CellAgri), Varun Deshpande (GFI India), Laurens de Groot, Sandrine Lauret (plantbasedfoodallience EU), Max Rye (TurtleTreeLabs)

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